The American Pakistani Public Affairs Committee (APPAC) requested in its resolution to the US government to pursue an investigation of human rights violations committed against the people of Jammu and Kashmir and Minorities in India by the state civilian administrators, right wing extremist leaders, and Indian armed forces by US Human Rights Commission and the International Criminal Court.
The APPAC resolution calls upon the U.S. Congressional leaders to investigate human rights violations by bringing forth transparency in Jammu & Kashmir and granting international media organizations, UN observers, and the greater international human rights and humanitarian community unrestricted access, without religious discrimination, to the Indian Illegal Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK).
It is also said in resolution to form a bipartisan committee of congressional representatives to investigate the human rights violations and to recommend the remedies for the suffering of the people of Indian Held Jammu & Kashmir. The Biden Aministration should call upon India’s government to restore the democratic power and voice of the indigenous population of Jammu and Kashmir, demilitarization of Kashmir and Jammu valley, and for the end of the collective punishment of the Kashmiri people”, APPAC appealed.
APPAC said in a resolution that U.S. government, as a permanent member of the UN Security Council, by way of its moral and official authority to end relentless cycles of regional violence, to commission the governments of India and Pakistan for the implementation of the long-standing UN resolutions to give the right of plebiscite and self-determination to the people of Jammu & Kashmir.
“The annexation of Jammu & Kashmir by Prime Minister Modi’s right wing extremist regime on August 5th, 2019 against the UN Security Council resolution directly undermines world peace and has given rise to armed conflicts and civil unrest in the region. Whereas, Prime Minister Modi’s regime’s decision to revoke Articles 370 and 35A has resulted in gross human rights violations and forced disappearances of the Kashmiri people”, added in resolution. APPAC resolution quoted the two successive reports of United Nations Office of High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) published in June 2018 and July 2019, reports extensively documenting the gross and systemic violations of human rights of the Kashmiri people by the current regime.
“UN Special Rapporteurs and Mandate Holders have addressed multiple communications to the Indian government on its unlawful actions, including PM Modi’s regime’s discriminatory laws that give wide powers to the government to persecute members of minority communities on trumped-up charges” APPAC highlighted in his document.
APPAC asked to OHCHR look into Indian oppression on people of Jammu & Kashmir and emphasized that Kashmiris have rendered immense sacrifices against the Indian Oppression. Kashmiris Right to self-determination continuously denial by Indian regime’s, while UN Security Council recognized numerous Resolutions for the Peaceful solution of the conflict. The APPAC appeals in a resolution sent to US authorities that current regime practically changes the demography of Jammu and Kashmir and has amended domicile rules in Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu & Kashmir (IIOJK) in a bid to impose ethnic cleansing in the region and to advance its Hindu-supremacist agenda. They also said that region has been impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic, local residents categorically denied adequate healthcare resources and facilities, and further intensifying their suffering.
“Atmosphere of fear and reprisal amongst the people of Kashmir, harassment and intimidation of journalists through draconian laws (such as Unlawful Activities Prevention Act, UAPA) continues, while the international media and UN observers have been denied access to visit IIOJK” added in resolution.